Participatory Principles
This network is committed to building capacity as well as action and education for sustainable climate change adaptation through research and collaboration. Engagement with a range of stakeholders is necessary to achieve successful adaptation responses. Read more for a full outline of the principles used by the Network.
Participatory research principles to enhance climate adaptation research
This network is committed to building capacity as well as action and education for sustainable climate change adaptation through research and collaboration. As such, effective engagement of a range of stakeholders is necessary to achieve successful adaptation responses. Involving these stakeholders in the research process per se will contribute towards building capacity and responsiveness in this context, particularly for practitioners on the front line of implementation. The following principles (expanded and adapted from the Citizen Science Toolbox, re-named to the URP Toolbox) establish an operating framework aimed at supporting transparent, accessible and participatory research in the climate change adaptation space.
They include:
• Research begins with stakeholders’ needs
• Include all stakeholders
• Respect all participants
• Work within existing cultural protocols
• Stakeholders are co-researchers (involve and train)
• Researchers are stakeholders
• Maximise access to information
• Maximise opportunities for participation
• Encourage multi-party communication
• Develop visions and objectives together (develop research questions together)
• Allow situations to develop organically
• Provide access to a wide range of knowledge, and decision-making tools
• Build mutual trust
• Share information and networks
• Share responsibility
• Create transparent decision making processes
• Aim for consensus and mutual ownership
• Promote cooperative rather than competitive structures
• Be proactive about learning from the process
• Ensure community benefits from the process
• Build mutual understanding and reach consensus on intellectual property
• Build mutual understanding and reach consensus on distribution of benefits
• Monitor and evaluate the collaboration
• Provide feedback on the process
• Disseminate the results
• Apply the results
• Build on the achievements
• Be explicit about exit strategies
The network will be documenting case studies of the application of these principles over the next two years.
A copy of these principles can be accessed HERE. < Back