Past Events
November 2011
World Congress for Man and Nature - “Global Climate Change & Biodiversity Conservation”
11-13 November, 2011
Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar, (Uttarakhand), India
Coastal Management 2011
Innovative coastal planning, Social, environmental and climatic change
15-16 November 2011
Belfast, UK
Handling the Heat: Climate Change Adaptation Research in the Central Coast and Hunter
The greater Newcastle region is one of the fastest growing areas in Australia. Increasing population and development, coupled with the potential risks from climate change, provide a number of challenges and opportunities for this dynamic region.
Lecture Theatre CT202, Computing and Information Sciences, University of Newcastle, Callaghan Campus
10am to 4pm, RSVP
23rd November 2011
Newcastle, NSW Australia
2011 Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Australia
Ecology in Changing Landscapes
21-25 November 2011
Hobart, Tasmania
October 2011
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration NOAA’s 36th Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop
3-6 October 2011
Texas, USA
Climate Change Adaptation National Congress
What is clear is that adaptation needs to be part of our planning and risk management now.
13-14 Oct 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Seafood Directions Conference 2011
“The Productivity Challenge”
23-25 October, 2011
Gold Coast, Queensland
September 2011
Rio+20 Friends of the Ocean
Global Ocean Forum at Rio+20
Discussion with UN Delegations to Review Rio+20 Ocean Assessments
September 8, 2011, 1:00 to 5:00 PM (lunch)
New York, NY
4th International Oyster Symposium (IOS4)
15-18 September, 2011
Hobart, Tasmania
Climate Change Network Team Conference 2011(CCNT11)
September 9-13, 2011
London, UK
The Western Australian Marine Science Institute (WAMSI) Conference
19-20 September 2011
Fremantle, Western Australia
Geoengineering the Climate? A Southern Hemisphere Perspective
Symposium to develop a southern hemisphere perspective on possible geoengineering interventions.
26-27 September 2011
Canberra, Australia
World Conference on Marine Biodiversity
Themes include: Climate Change, Marine Policy & Law, Biodiversity - Ecoystem Function
26-30 September 2011
Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Coasts & Ports
Tides and storm surges, Climate change and relative sea-level rise, Coastal Planning, Policy and Management, Climate change adaptation, etc.
28 - 30 September 2011
Perth, Western Australia
August 2011
5th International Symposium on GIS/Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences
22-26 August 2011
Wellington, New Zealand
Abstracts to be received by 30 May 2011
Seventh International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions
Patterns of invasion and spread at local, regional, and global scales, New tools for identification, monitoring, risk assessment, and management, and more ...
23-25 August 2011
Barcelona, Spain
Abstracts to be received by 15 April 2011
July 2011
Coastal Zone 11 Conference
Winds of Change: global climate change, invasive species and human induced hazards require new approaches to ocean and coastal resource management.
17-21 July 2011
Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Australian Society for Fish Biology (ASFB) Conference 2011
Fisheries and management, Deep water research, Genetics and population dynamics, and more
22-24 July 2011
Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Abstracts to be received by 6 May 2011
June-July 2011
The 48th Australian Marine Sciences Association (AMSA) Conference
Theme: Crossing Boundaries. Includes First Census of Marine Life 2010 – Highlights of a Decade of Discovery;
Studying large marine fauna – techniques for crossing spatial and temporal boundaries;
Integrating remote sensing and GIS into marine science - and more.
3 - 7 July 2011
Fremantle, Western Australia
Earth on the Edge - Science for a Sustainable Planet
IUGG with member associations incl. International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean
28 June - 7 July 2011
Melbourne, Australia
June 2011
Ninth International Temperate Reefs Symposium
26 June - 01 July 2011
Plymouth, UK
Resilient Cities 2011
3-5 June 2011
Bonn, Germany
May 2011
Coastal Sediments 2011
2-6 May 2011
Miami, Florida, USA
IV International Conference on Integrated Management of Coastal Zones
Biodiversity and coastal processes, Impacts of the climate changes in coastal zones, etc
11-13 May 2011
Santiago de Cuba
The 2nd International Marine Conservation Congress
Making Marine Science Matter
Themes include: Climate change and the oceans,
Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, Conservation at the land/sea interface
14-18 May 2011
Victoria, British Colombia, Canada
Climate Change, Agrifood, Fisheries and Ecosystems
Reinventing Research, Innovation, and Policy Agendas for Environmentally- and Socially-Balanced Growth
19-21 May 2011
Agadir, Morocco
ICES/PICES workshop Biological consequences of a decrease in sea ice in Arctic and sub-Arctic Seas
in conjunction with the 2nd ESSAS Open Science Meeting
22-26 May 2011
Seattle, USA
BioNature 2011 - 2nd International Conference on Bioenvironment, Biodiversity and Renewable Energies
Includes: Oceanic biodiversity, ecosystems and environmental change predictions
22-27 May 2011
Venice, Italy
April 2011
Climate Change and Ocean Carbon - Field Observation, Remote Sensing and Modeling
3-4 April 2011
Xiamen, China
GREENHOUSE 2011: The science of climate change
Convention Centre, Cairns, Queensland, Australia
4-8 April 2011
NCCARF 2001 Climate Change Adaptation Conference
in conjunction with Greenhouse 2011
6 April 2011
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
EC Clima - Estuaries in a Changing Climate
5-8 April 2011
Porto, Portugal
March 2011
Resilience 2011 Conference
11-16 March 2011
Tempe, Arizona. USA
Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation in the Western Indian Ocean
21-23 March 2011
Balaclava, Mauritius.
International Symposium on Isotopes in Hydrology, Marine Ecosystems and Climate Change Studies
27 March - 01 April 2011
February 2011
Limnology and Oceanography in a Changing World
13-18 February 2011
San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
January 2011
NCSE 11th National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment
Themes include: Coastal ocean change and the potential for adaptation; Oceans and living marine ecosystems; Tipping points; Observing and measuring ocean change for improved stewardship.
19-21 January 2011
Washington, D.C., USA
December 2010
First Australian Earth System Outlook Conference
9-10 December, 2010
Shine Dome, Canberra, ACT.
November 2010
ASPAB Australasian Society of Phycology and Aquatic Botany Conference
15-18 November 2010
Rottnest Island, Western Australia
Environment and Resources of the South Pacific
III International Aquaculture Congress
22-26 November 2010
Viña del Mar, Chile.
October 2010
Coral Reefs in a Changing Environment
7-8 October 2010
Shine Dome, Canberra, Australia
Social dimensions of environmental change and governance
8-9 October 2010
Berlin, Germany
Australia - New Zealand Climate Forum 2010
Southern Hemisphere Climate: features · findings · futures
13-15 October 2010
Hobart, Australia
Coastal Zone Asia Pacific (CZAP) 2010
A Matter of Scale: Challenges in Coastal Governance
17-22 October
Bangkok, Thailand
Climate Change and Impact Assessment
25-26 October 2010
Aalborg, Denmark.
September 2010
Nordic Marine Sciences Conference
13-16 September, 2010, Strömstad, Sweden
Strengthening Institutions to Address Climate Change and Advance a Green Economy - 2nd UNITAR/Yale 2010 Conference on Environmental Governance and Democracy
17-19 September 2010
Yale University, New Haven, USA
August 2010
Fifth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
2-5 August 2010
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
July 2010
AMSA 2010 New Waves in Marine Science
4-8 July 2010, Wollongong NSW
Second International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts and Responses
8-10 July 2010, Brisbane, Australia
Australian Society for Fish Biology 2010 “Climate change and the aquatic environment - the future for fish and fisheries”
12-14 July 2010, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Australian National Network in Marine Science 2010 - Second ANNIMS Conference.
Associated workshop “Furious sea: a short course on waves for non-specialists with emphasis on wave related coastal hazards”
21-22 July 2010, Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
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June 2010
2010 International Climate Change Adaptation Conference ‘Climate Change Adaptation Futures: preparing for the unavoidable impacts of climate change’
29 June-1 July 2010, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
May 2010
5th Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts and Islands
3-7 May 2010, UNESCO, Paris, France
OCEANS ‘10 IEEE Sydney Conference and Exhibition Australia
24-27 May 2010, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
International Conference on Human Capital for Sustainable Economies
27-28 May 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany
April 2010
ICCCM10 International Conference on Coastal Conservation and Management in the Atlantic and Mediterranean
11-17 April 2010, Estoril, Cascais, Portugal
International Symposium of Coastal Zones and Climate Change: Assessing the Impacts and Developing Adaptation Strategies
12-13 April 2010, Monash University Gippsland, Churchill, Victoria, Australia
Local Climate, Local Change Conference 2010
18 - 21 April 2010, York Fairmont Resort, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia.
Climate Change Effects on Fish and Fisheries: Forecasting Impacts, Assessing Ecosystem Responses, and Evaluating Management Strategies
26-29 April 2010, Sendai, Japan
February 2010
Shaping Australia’s Resilience: Policy development for uncertain futures
18-19 February 2010, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
December 2009
2009 Amsterdam Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change ‘Earth Systems Governance: People, Places, and the Planet’
2-4 December 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Marine Adaptation Summer School
4 December 2009, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Climate Change in Australia and New Zealand: From Science To Adaptation. Australia New Zealand Climate Forum 2009
16-18 November 2009, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
Climate Change Adaptation Forum - Managing risk and building resilience
24-25 November 2009, Melbourne, Australia
Climate Change Adaptation Forum - Managing risk and building resilience
26-27 November 2009, Sydney, Australia
Society for Conservation Biology - Oceania Section Meeting
30 November - 3 December 2009, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
October 2009
5th Biennial GEF International Waters Technical Workshops
24-25 October 2009, Cairns, Australia
5th Biennial GEF International Waters Conference
26-29 October 2009, Cairns, Australia
September 2009
2009 Australian Coral Reef Society Conference “Reefs of the Indopacific: Hopes for the future and lessons from the past”
25-27 September 2009, Darwin, Australia
4degrees & beyond International Climate Conference
28-30 September 2009, Oxford, United Kingdom
Balancing Choices and Effects in a Dynamic World
28 September - 1 October, 2009, James Cook University, Cairns, Queensland, Australia
August 2009
Earth Matters Climate Change Forum
8th August 2009, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
10th International Congress of Ecology (INTECOL) ‘Ecology in a Changing Climate - Two Hemispheres - One Globe’
16-21 August 2009, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
July 2009
AMSA2009 International Conference
5-9 July 2009, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
15th International Interdisciplinary Conference on the Environment
8-11 July 2009, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA < Back