ARN-MBR Events
Upcoming Conferences

May 2013
Resilient Cities 2013
the annual World Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change
31 May - 2 June 2013
Bonn, Germany
June 2013
True Blue: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities for Australia’s Marine Environment
The Australian Committee for IUCN, in partnership with the Nature Conservancy, the Australian Conservation Foundation and Parks Victoria.
12-13 June 2013
Parkville, VIC
CoastGIS 2013 Conference: Monitoring and Adapting to Change on the Coast
The 11th International Symposium for GIS and Computer Cartography for Coastal Zone Management
18-21 June 2013
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Conference: Transformation in a Changing Climate
An initiative being led by Karen O’Brien, co-organised by the University of Oslo, the Stockholm Resilience Centre and CICERO. The conference aims to bring together diverse perspectives on deliberate transformation in response to climate change in a creative setting, where new insights can flourish.
19-21 June 2013
Georg Sverdrups Hus, University of Oslo, Norway
Climate Adaptation 2013: Delivering knowledge, building partnerships
NCCARF’s 2013 conference will bring together end users and researchers from across Australia to share experience in adaptation, and showcase activities, strategies and research.
24-27 June 2013
Sydney NSW Australia
September 2013
7th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC2013)
The aim of the conference is to promote scientific advancement, technological progress, information exchange, and cooperation among engineers and researchers in coastal, port, and ocean engineering and other related fields.
24-26 September 2013
Bali Indonsesia
Past Events
February 2013
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS) National Conference
11-13 February 2013
Melbourne Australia
The 2nd CLIOTOP Symposium
The symposium aims to bring together contributors to consider the theme “Certainty of change in pelagic systems – detection, attribution, and prediction” from physical, biological, social, and also integrated perspectives. Issues such as maximising ecosystem services from the pelagic ocean – conservation, fisheries and livelihoods are also relevant.
11-15 February 2013
Noumea, New Caledonia
March 2013
European Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2013
This first European conference will cover the broad range of issues related to climate change adaptation.
18–20 March 2013
Hamburg, Germany
October 2012
DISCCRS VII Interdisciplinary Climate Change Research Symposium
Since 2003, DISCCRS has hosted symposia for early-career researchers to catalyze formation of interdisciplinary collegial networks, while fostering skills to better prepare graduates to conduct collaborative research and respond to the myriad challenges posed by climate change and its impacts. Participants will share their research; engage in discussions with peers, mentors, and funding agency representatives; and participate in communication and team training. Thirty early-career scholars will be selected through a review process with the expectation that invitees will become leaders in their chosen fields. Airfare and on-site expenses are supported through grants from NSF and NASA.
13-20 October 2012
La Foret Conference and Retreat Centre
Colorado Springs, COLARADO USA
6th National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration
Restore America’s Estuaries’
6th National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration is the only national conference focused on the goals and practices of coastal and estuarine habitat restoration.
20-25 October 2012
Tampa, Florida
November 2012
Littoral 2012 Coasts of Tomorrow
With increasing pressure from both land and sea, understanding coastal processes and adapting governance and management to present and future challenges is crucial. The conference is open to all professionals and stakeholders dealing with coastal issues and will give access to cutting edge science, real-life examples and a high-level debate, and will give you the opportunity to network with scientists, practitioners, policy advisors, administrators and industry from all over the world.
27-29 November 2012
Oostende, Belgium
December 2012
Second Baltadapt Policy Forum on Climate Change Adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region
10–11 December 2012
Stockholm, Sweden
September 2012
Mariculture & Fisheries 2012: Treasure Seafood, Innovation and Sustainability
The purpose of the meeting is to start the process of developing a mechanism for investing in China enterprises in the aquaculture and fisheries sector.
20-23 September 2012
World Expo Centre
Dalian, CHINA
Coast to Coast - Australia’s National Coastal Conference
17-21 September 2012
Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre,
Queensland, Australia
The Ocean in a High-Co2 World: Ocean Acidification, Third Symposium
24-27 September 2012
Monterey, California USA
Integrating Human Dimensions into Fish and Wildlife Management: An Essential Component of Adaptive Capacity
24-27 September, 2012
Breckenridge, Colarado USA
August 2012
Second Nordic International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation
The Conference seeks to identify common ground between adaptation research and adaptation decision-making by comparing experiences, reporting new insights and revealing key gaps in knowledge.
29-31 August 2012
Helsinki, Finland
July 2012
12th International Coral Reef Symposium
9-13 July 2012
Cairns, Queensland, Australia
Marine Extremes - And Everything In Between
“AMSA-NZMSS 2012 is a joint conference between the Australian Marine Sciences Association Inc. and the New Zealand Marine Science Society member organisations. Recent evidence and climate-scale predictions point to an increase in extreme events across local, regional and global scales. Research that improves our understanding of how to manage, adapt and mitigate extreme events and to understand processes in extreme environments is critical to policymakers and stakeholders, both now and into the future”.
1-5 July 5, 2012
Hobart, Tasmania Australia
June 2012
Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development
June 20-22, 2012
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Climate Adaptation in Action 2012
‘Sharing knowledge to adapt.’
Conference 2012 e-book
June 26-28, 2012
Sebel Hotel, Albert Park
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
May 2012
Australasian Aquaculture Conference & Trade Show
1-4 May 2012
Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre
Victoria, Australia
6th World Fisheries Congress
7-11 May 2012
Edinburgh, Scotland
Second International Symposium - Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans
15-19 May 2012
Yeosu, Korea
2012 International Conference on Climate Adaptation
The conference focuses on adaptation to climate variability and change. The conference will bring together researchers, policy makers, and practitioners from developed and developing countries to share insights into the challenges and opportunities that adaptation presents.
29 May - 31 May 2012
Tucson, Arizona USA
April 2012
Gaps PhD Conference 2012 - How are you tackling it?
Conference encourage papers that discuss interdisciplinary approaches, innovative methodologies, and policy application to global environmental challenges in the context of climate change in a way which is easily understandable for non-specialists.
11-13 April 2012
University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
Oceans of Change - 2nd ICES/PICES Conference
for Early Career Scientists
Climate effects on marine ecosystems, Managing marine resources, Old paradigms, new tools, and more ...
24-27 April 2012
Majorca Island, Spain
March 2012
Planet Under Pressure: New knowledge towards solutions
26-29 March 2012
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 19 August 2011
London, UK
February 2012
Metocean Awareness Course
An essential course providing a greater understanding of metocean and its implications for offshore design and operations.
15-17 February, 2012
Perth, Western Australia
Sixth Global Oceans Conference
20-24 February 2012 (tentative)
Location: TBA
Note: The Sixth Global Oceans Conference will take place prior to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) and will seek to provide input into the Rio+20 process.
World Oceans Summit
The Economist’s World Oceans Summit will examine how the increasing activity in and around the oceans can be managed sustainably and what this means for business and other key stakeholders.
22-24 February 2012
Capella, Singapore Read More>