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What is on Offer with the Marine Adaptation Network

imageThis document highlights what the Marine Adaptation Network has achieved to date and what the Network continues to offer you as a researcher, post-graduate and stakeholder. All members receive informative e-news bulletins and the quarterly Marine Adaptation Bulletin with local and international feature articles.

Which Region are you from?

imageThe Marine Adaptation Network is categorising publications and information relevant to your region regarding climate change adaptation in the marine environment. Click on your region below for more information:
New South Wales
Northern Territory
South Australia
Western Australia

Which Marine Sector are you from?

imageThe Marine Adaptation Network is categorising publications and information relevant to your sector regarding climate change adaptation in the marine environment. Click on your sector below for more information:
Commercial Fishing
Recreational Fishing

Adaptation Research Projects

imageThe National Climate Change Adaptation Research Plan (NARP) for Marine Biodiversity and Resources identifies research priorities in five sectoral areas: marine aquaculture, commercial and recreational fishing, conservation management, tourism and recreational uses, and cross cutting issues. The NARP, developed by NCCARF, is supporting 14 adaptation research projects currently underway which are responding to these priorities.  These projects are funded through partnership between the DCCEE and the FRDC with the Network involved in the dissemination of project updates through the Marine Adaptation Bulletin, Information Sheets and Flyers.

Download a brief summary of the Adaptation Research Project’s progress as of June 2011.
Download the Adaption Research Project

If you would like further information regarding the Adaptation Research Projects please contact the .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or call (03) 6226 2134. 

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The Adaptation Research Network for Marine Biodiversity & Resources is an initiative of the Australian Government Department of Climate Change & Energy Efficiency being conducted as part of the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility
Photos courtesy of: A/Professor Graham Edgar, Tasmanian Seafood Industry Council, Elivira Poloczanska, Dr Gretta Pecl, Dr Alistair Hobday
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